So as some may know, I'm preparing to have a major back operation this summer. I have had to cut back on my regular work as a stylist and makeup artist because its physically too much with the degenerative issues I have in my spine. And I've been waiting to muster up the energy when I'm having s good day, because with a degenerative back diseases, simple easy tasks are difficult and painful. Just washing a few dishes could mean a lot of unbearable extra pain. Now there's a tangent being born here.....
Since we rent, I have a constant itch to add knick knacks and make things feel as much as mine as possible. Renters need apartment therapy sometimes, but nothing beats not having the stress of a mortgage, we could pick up and go if our gypsy hearts chose. Since both my husband and I work in the commission and contract job industries that we do, what never know what's around the bend. Not that anyone does, but we don't even have a cushion around the bend. Which means buying anymore furniture than we already have isn't in the cards if we want to start a little Cushion for the coming months ill be out of work.
Since I'm going to be stuck in recovery for at least four months, I've come across some amazing vintage and funky finds that are begging me to be repurposed. Starting with this amazing brass candleholder that needs some tlc, a vintage broyhill bed frame (going to re knack and just use the head board cause our master room needs one), turn a slowly saddening ikea table into a farm table esque table and ........I'm determined to take a crap plywood dresser and knock it up with some paint, decal printing (I see a tutorial in the future?) and putting some amazing knobs to add character. It's so easy to dress an old piece of furniture up with some cool knobs. I usually hit up world market or wait for knobs to go on sale at anthropologie. I got my rustoleum colors picked, some steel wool, face masks and a silly smile! Here's a sneak peekin!!!

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